Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Christmas times a comin'

Don't you just love the holidays???? I do. I'm already shopping for ideas for this year's Christmas tree theme. WHAT???? Your tree doesn't have a theme?? tsk tsk......

Though I'm nearly swamped with ghostwriting, editing and article projects that I must complete ASAP, I'm also back to working on my own stuff. One of the books we brainstormed in Santa Fe is a holiday book I've been thinking about for years. Literally years. They had a great suggestion on that I use a red cardinal to enhance some of the imagery. So the other day I was in the Hallmark store and saw a little ceramic cardinal that was exactly like what I want for the book. So I bought it and put it on my desk at home for inspiration. Can't wait to start writing it!

In other news, I finally got a good picture of my son and his girlfriend Laura. They are both students at Rhodes in Memphis. Aren't they cute?

Must get back to the grind now.


Anonymous said...

So THAT'S the reason you wanted a pic huh? Well, I suppose you're allowed. btw-not letting non-bloggers post isn't cool. I had to set up a rogue blog and everything...boooo...

dee said...

absolutely...and YOU're the one that let the cat outta the now it can be posted for the whole word to see....and I don't make the rules, I just play by 'em.....

Anonymous said...

yeah i can leave a comment!!! took me forever to get an account. grrr... the pic. is cute. i love it. and i hve to agree w/ sis no fighting online.The only time we need to fight is when we see each other lol

Jennifer Archer said...

Cute couple! Gorgeous trees behind them, too. Family squabbles...don't ya just love 'em?!