Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Canada is Freakin cold!!!!

Yes it is. I'm sitting in Toronto looking out over Lake Ontario with its floating ice cubes and wondering why anyone would come to Canada on purpose in the winter. Although it looks like it would be really nice in the summer, its cold and dreary right now. The people, however, have been stellar and the service fantastic. I met my new ghostwriting client at the Royal York this morning and it turned out to be a fabulous day. His name is Joe Vitale and he is another of The Secret gurus but his expertise is in the marketing arena so we got along great. I also learned he lives in the hill country which begs the question, why are two Texans meeting in Canada?

The answer is that the publisher is shooting a TV special on Joe tomorrow and he was going to be here anyway, so it was convenient. But we both agreed we'd rather be in Houston than in the great white North.

In other news, the Virginia trip last week was informative and I think LSP is heading for a good future on the distribution side. The jury's still out the project management piece and I'm still working with the writers to address their concerns. Its given me a great chance to talk to everyone at length again, as we get so used to communicating by email, and its been a great reconnect.

The feature story I did for CU Business is due out this month and I can't wait to see it. It will have part of the interview I did with John Maxwell and I'm anxious to get it out there and see what the feedback is. I'm crossing my fingers. I'll post the PDF on this site as soon as the mag comes out (don't want to steal the editor's thunder!)

I finished up the Pilates book this week, but am still working on the geese parable. I think I have the characters down a bit more now so its flowing easier. I'm also still working on the IRA Investment book and the editor has been kind enough to extend the deadline to accommodate my travel schedule, although it really chapped me to have to ask - I hate not meeting any deadline and this is a first book wise for me. However she's been pretty understanding so I'm sure I'll make it up to her.


Britta Coleman said...

Strange to think of you extending a deadline (I know it goes against your business grain)...but I'm sure the work will be terrific and it sounds like you've been on a crazy schedule.

And writing about Pilates, no less. More on THAT please! :)

dee said...

The Pilates book is kind of a mind-body-soul type book for a client in australia. So there's alot more to it than just those poses that look hurtful. I think I need to call you and catch up...there's almost too much news for a blog...umm..I mean if I kept up the blog there wouldn't be, but then I'm a slacker

Unknown said...

Hey Dee:
Didn't know you were in Canada. I have a client there!
I've seen some of Joe Vitale's stuff - the assignment ought to be great! Stay warm.
Christie Smith