OH YES THEY DO!!!.. so I'm just this unassuming little writer person and Gumbai the squirrel tries to make an example of me. I don' t know if I am just working for the man, buying into the reality of republican life as we know it, or hoping for the best when I turn that little piece of metal hoping my car will start. Which ever, the road kill that was previously destined to be on Larry King live has now made my formerly fine KIA ride a four door paperweight.
Yes its true. I hopped in the KIA to run up to market street to get my rotisserie chicken and the whole vehicle started shaking like a meth addict in lock up!!! I was real scared until we opened the hood. Hidden inside was a little nest that some squirrel had decided to make his home. On top of which he'd also decide that the main wires to my engine were incredibly tasty.
I thought that this was a big deal. But according to the D&K guys, it's really common. Our tow truck driver said his sister had it happen to her. Go figure. It was totally new to us and really it wouldn't be that big a deal, but the squirrels at our house constantly throw acorns at all visitors and generally make our lives miserable. So now I dont' feel the least bit bad if I squish one. They are horrible little rodents and I don't care...so there. Report me to PETA already....I dare you!
A neighbor of ours in Amarillo had this happen to her car, too. I've had mixed opinions about squirrels: back when they were burrowing in our attic I thought they were minions sent from the devil. Now that we're in suburbia with baby trees I kinda miss the little fellows...
... and they taste like chicken!
I suppose the wound is too fresh right now for me to believe they are anything but devil possessed rodents, but that may pass .....eventually...we're contemplating a move to a no squirrel zone...
Is it bad that I am laughing hysterically right now?!?!
Oh goodness. But I am no stranger to mutant squirrels. The ones on campus eat out of the trash cans. They're huge and unafraid of people. Ha.
But anyway, sucks about your car. We need to find nice, cruel little traps for them all. =D
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